Films about Women on the Road

I’ve been making short films about women on the road since 2016. What started out as a passion for documenting my Sprinter Van Build Out process, turned into a passion for telling stories of women in the outdoors. Below you will find my Sprinter Van Build Out series, my One Chick Travels series, the Girls Gone Wide film, and plenty more. Telling stories of women doing rad shit is my passion. Want to make a film together? Send me a message, I’d love to hear from you.

Girls Gone Wide

In this short film, Mary Eden (@TradPrincess), and Kaya Lindsay (@OneChickTravels) adopt Sam Rose (@SamRoseMac), an enthusiastic but inexperienced offwidth climber and take her out to Vedauwoo Wyoming to test their combined skills against some of the most grueling and physically demanding offwidths in the country. In this fun and lighthearted film, Mary, Kaya, and Sam are joined by a host of female offwidth climbers including Mary’s long term climbing partner, Mercadi Carlson (@mersendyclimberson). This film is a celebration of the feminine aspects of climbing that often get left behind in traditional storytelling. In Girls Gone Wide, you will laugh, cry, and paint your nails black along with the colorful cast of characters climbing at their limit in rural Vedauwoo Wyoming. 

Girls Gone Wide Products


The One Chick Travels series is the story of real life women and how they work and play on the road. These women are teachers, bar tenders, coaches, tour guides, rock climbers, writers and more. These are their journeys to hitting the road, how they afford their lifestyles, and what makes them passionate about living an unconventional life. Please enjoy.

The Sprinter Van Build Out series was my first full fledge film project. It’s overly detailed, I look like an actual child when I rewatch it, and I love it to death. This was where I started making resources for folks to build out their vans, and it’s the project that has set me on the path I am on today.