I've never worked on my car before.
But after googling some mechanical issues for 10 minutes I'm confident I can do most of it myself.
Replacing the Air filter is a piece of cake! Definitely something you can do in less than 20 minutes and is pretty cheap.
Materials Used
Install Instructions
Step 1: Open the hood!
If you don't know where this leaver is, you really should.
Step 2: Locate air filter and air filter gauge. When I first did this the gauge was at 100% red, but I flipped it down to 0% without taking a picture first. My bad.
This was at 100% red for way too long.
Step 3: Remove heat shield. Three bolts. Easy.
It's easy as one...
Step 4: Remove hose clamp and two plugs. 1 screw. Easier.
You need a flat head screw driver for this part
And ya done
Step 5: Unclip Air filter compartment lid and remove air filter. You can do this with just your hands.
Step 6: Clean out air filter compartment and put new air filter in. Napkins recommended.
Empty Air filter compartment
Clean out the inside of your air filter compartment!
Put the new air filter in
Step 7: Close that baby up. Boom.
Put the cover back on
Re-attach the hose and the heat shield
Final thoughts
This was a fun thing to replace. It was easy to do on my own and gave me a bit of confidence in my own abilities to work on my car. A lot of what holds me back from working on my van is my own ignorance of how it operates, after doing this I was able to have a better understanding of my vans inner workings.