Swivel Chairs will change your life
Installing swivel chairs was possibly the best add on to the van that I've done yet. It completely opens up the space and makes it way more comfortable to hang out in. I often do my work from the passengers seat turned sideways with my feet up on the other chair. And in a pinch you could probably turn the chairs into a bed for a shorter person.
Getting the swivel chairs for my birthday!
Materials Used
That's it
Tools Used
Socket wrench
Alan Key
Passengers Side Install
So installing the first swivel chair was really easy. It took about 25 minutes and it was super intuitive. You just have to take the passengers seat off the chair mount, lay the swivel chair down, and then screw in the bolts which they provide.
Chair out of the van
No passengers now!
Drivers Side Install
The drivers side is only difficult because of a few extra steps you have to take. The swivel chairs come with instructions but I will do my best to lay it out here.
Step 1: Take the drivers seat off. This is the same process for the passengers seat.
Step 2: Disconnect the seatbelt power cable, this tells the car whether or not you have your seat belt on.
Step 3: Cut the emergency brake lever cover. This is where things start to get tricky, because you might not need to trim the brake lever cover. The reason you might have to trim the cover is because of where the fire extinguisher is mounted. When you finish the install, the brake lever wont be able to engage if the fire extinguisher is still mounted on the back of the seat mount. See step 4 for more clarification.
Step 4: Install the brake lever spacer. This little piece of metal is meant to go in between the emergency brake and the emergency brake mount. Pictured below.
It basically moves the brake lever out and down by the smallest bit. In doing so it requires you to trim the brake lever cover and tighten the brake cables under the van.
Emergency brake and emergency brake mount
Silly little piece of metal (brake lever spacer)
Step 5: Tighten the brake cables under the van. **See notes at the bottom**
Step 6: Put the swivel adaptor down on the chair mount and screw it down. But make sure that you run the seat belt cable through the center of the chair and the swivel adaptor.
It's hard to see but thats the center of the swivel adaptor and the cable running through it. Pro tip: I taped it down so when I was moving it around the cable wouldn't fall back in.
Notes: Ok so I did not install the spacer on the brake lever. From what I gathered from the Euro Campers customer service, the spacer moves the brake lever down and out a tiny bit. This loosens the brake cables (under the van) and you need to tighten them. They also instruct you to tighten them a lot so that you can engage the emergency brake by moving it up just a few degrees.
I did not do this.
The spacer did not fit on the brake lever mount in my van. The bolt holes weren't the right distance apart and I did not have the power tools on hand to be able to drill out a new bolt hole.
This also meant I did not have to tighten the brake cables or trim the brake cover.
In Conclusion
If you need to do those things best of luck to you! The directions Euro Campers sends you with the swivel chair adaptor should be able to walk you through the rest of the process.
The swivel chairs are one of my favorite mods I've done on the van. They make it so much easier to have people (ESPECIALLY TALL PEOPLE) over to hang out. It opens up the space by at least 2 feet, makes it a more comfortable place to hang out, and gives some variety to a typically unchanging part of the van. 10/10 would recommend. Get after it!